Time Control & Zero Time

General Settings. Select the simulation stopping event criteria:

Time Control Settings: Max Number of Entities:
Behaviour at Zero Time
Stop Simulation


Instructions of Use: General Event-Driven Simulation stop time is provided in the Time Control & Zero Time box. Introduce the stop time in terms of the number of cycles to be simulated. Alternatively, stop simulation time criteria can be introduced by the maximum number of entities to be simulated. Use the optional select box to define it. If both criteria are defined, the stop time is determined at simulation with a logical OR operation. At zero time, you can decide to start with No-Entities in the simulation or with All-Entities created before starting the WoT dynamics. Specific Settings: Specific Event-Driven Simulation parameters can be set on the SIM.WoT > Settings menu. You can adjust the Probability Density Functions of the Behaviour models and its parameters.


In the SIM.WoT > About section there is a description of the internal architecture of the Event-Driven Simulator fot WoT, including its sub-systems and components. Additionally, the Research menu list the journal's articules and conference papers related to both the SIM.WoT and IR.WoT projects.


General settings are provided on the Simulator home page, and specific setting menu is available for tuning the simulation parameters. vThings and vSensors are implemented under a XML-based description model, plus Markovian chains to simulate their behaviours: mobility, connectivity, measurement and failure.


The Execute Simulation button deploy the dashboard built by the reporting and sub-system, so metrics and stats are tracked and automatically visualised, measuring the WoT dynamics. Dynamics is presented in terms of size of the simulated WoT, then size of the the Synthetic XML Collection and the changes|events per level/time.

WoT Search Engine

IR.WoT is a Information Retrieval system for the Web of Things in the form of a WoTSE Search Engine. SIM.WoT and IR.WoT are interrelated via a RESTFul API and a scalable Cloud-based Document-Oriented storage system. In that way, IR.WoT can be fed by the simulated, dynamic and synthetic IR Test Collection.